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The American Strength Legends News Board

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On Line Events to Check Out

The The 1999 24 Hour Fitness Beauty and the Beast Miss Bikini Fitness and World Strongman Challenge write-up has over 80 pictures. Highlights of the weekend can be found by following the above link

The The 1998 AFSA Full Strength Competition was held in Las Vegas. Highlights of the weekend can be found by following the above link

The The 1998 Minot, North Dakota Strongman contest took place on the same weekend as the WSM in Morocco. Highlights of the week can be found by following the above link

The The 1998 World Muscle Power Classic is the last one of this prestigous series. Highlights of the weekend can be found by following the above link

The 1998 York Barbell Strength Spectacular
The 1998 York Barbell Strength Spectacular was held form June 26 until the 28th. Highlights of the weekend can be found by following the above link

1998 Arnold Classic strength expo to promote the AFSA and Strength! The Magazine

Upcoming NASS Events


The Mountaineer Cup Powerlifting

USAPL/ADFPA Coming Contests

NASA Coming Events

North American Strongman Society info TV listings

International Federation of Strength Athletes Events found on

The Iron Mind Events board

Steve Pulcinella's Highland Games Schedule

Posted July 16th, 1998

An update on the World Muscle Power Championships
The World Muscle Power Championships (WMPC) is produced by Doug Edmunds in Scotland. The WMPC is second only to the World's Strongest man in terms of prestige. This year's winner gets an automatic invite to the World's Strongest Man Contest.
Gary Mitchell will represent the USA. As many of you remember him from watching ESPN, Gary competed in the US Stongman Finals last year in Primm Nevada. Unfortunately, he had to withdraw on the last day of competition due to an unfortunate bicep tear that happend to him after the first event. He competed in the WMPC last year where he put on a very impressive display of will power finishing in fifth place despite tearing both of his biceps. He has won the Virginia's Strongest Man contest twice and on his third year (his second title defense), he blew his knee out in the log press while being well ahead on points. Before his strongman career, Gary was a superheavyweight powerlifter. He recorded an impressive 903 squat in the APF. He also was declared the USPF national champ, but was not selected to compete in the IPF World's due to threatened legal action by some of his fellow competitors. However, Gary is in tip-top physical shape for his second turn at the WMPC title. He is setting new PR's every workout in the gym and weighs a hefty 310 pounds. Good luck Gary! If you wish, you can write emails of support to Gary care of this address American Strength Legends will make sure that he gets them.

July 25th-26th: The World Muscle Power Championships.
This contest is divided into a Highland Games competition and a strongman competition.

Scheduled to compete on Saturday in the Highland games are the following:
Ryan Vierra and Shannon Hartnett (representing the USA),
H. Mac Donald (representing Canada),
P. Hellier (representing England),
K. Thompson (representing New Zealand),
F. Brebner and C. Bryce (representing Scotland).

Scheduled to compete on Sunday in the Strongman contest are the following athletes:
Gary Mitchell (representing the USA),
Juoko Ahola (representing Finland),
A. Pintinas and Raimond Bergmanis (representing Lithuania),
M. Rossiter and S. Green (representing New Zealand),
Mike Abdullah (representing Japan),
Russ Bradley (representing England),
L. Bowers,
Dynamite Tourtchinsky (representing Russia),
Wayne Price (representing South Africa)
Brian Bell (representing Scotland)

The events for the strongman contested are announced as follows:
1. Winch pull
2. Super Yoke
3. Basque circle with a car
4. Anvil hold
5. Overhead lift with new metallic logs
6. Medley which will include a block weight
7. Tire Flip
8. Anvil carry
9. Tree trunk lift

Other Doug Edmunds Productions scheduled:

Events that already happened:
July 8th-Scotland versus England held in St. George's Square, City Centre in Glasgow, Scotland. Representing Scotland was Brian Bell, S. Murray and K. Simmons. Representing England was R. Dickinson, S. Books and A. Bolton. The events were in this order: arm over arm vehicle pull with a car, the McGlashen stones, farmer's walk, audience stone lift, overhead lift, pole push, audience ax hold, sword and shield hand over.

Events that will happen soon:
July 19th-Edinburgh Games which had both throwing events and a strongman contest. Of the throwers, K. Thom, Ryan Vierra, H. MacDonald, Shannon Hartnett, P. Hellier, M. Sanford, K. Simmonds and Joe Quigley were listed as likely to compete. Of the Strongmen, P. Lupton, Russ Bradley, Brian Bell, S. Murray, Mike Abdullah, Adram Waldron and S. Abbattiello were listed as likely to compete.

July 28th: World Hammer Championships. The participants will be Ryan Vierra, M. Sanford, H. MacDonald , Alistar Gunn, S. King, Shannon Hartnett, G. Martin, M. Gunn

July 29th in Killin: A highland games and a strongman contest will be held. The heavy athletics participants will include: Ryan Vierra, K. Thompson, H. MacDonald, Shannon Hartnett, Joe Quigley, M. Sanford, K. Simmonds, P. Hallier, Bryce and Edmunds. The strongmen scheduled to compete include: Juoko Ahola, Wayne Price, Raimond Bergmanis, Dynamite Tourtchinsky, Pintinas, Russ Bradley, Abbattiello and a yet to be named South African. The events will include: the McGlashen stones, a farmer's walk, overhead lift, pole push and an anvil hold.

August 2nd: in Edinburgh a Scotland versus Iceland meet. The throwers will include; K. Thompson, F. Brebner, Alsiatr Gunn and yet to be named Icelandic people The Strongmen will include: Brian Bell, S. Murray, D. Horne, L. Morrison, N. McKinless, plus one to be decided. The events include: the McGlashen Stones, Horizontal Hold record attempts, arm over arm pull, overhead lift, farmer's walk record attempts

August 15th: on the Glasgow Green, the World Pipe Band Championships. The throwers will include: K. thompson, F. Brebner, G. Martin, S. king, G. edmunds and one more yet to be determined. The strongmen will include: Brian Bell, S. Murray, L. Bowers, F. Tranter, R. Dixon, R. Howe, and R. Weir. The events will be Anvil Hold, Overhead Lift, Pole push and the finale will be the McGlashen Stones and Farmer's walk relay